My journey that all began with the discovery of Emacs. Let’s delve into how Emacs introduced me to the realm of functional programming, starting with Elisp and expanding into Common Lisp, Scheme, and my current fascination with Clojure.

Part 1: Elisp - The Gateway to Functional Programming

My journey started when I stumbled upon Elisp, the Emacs Lisp. Little did I know that it would be the gateway to my exploration of functional programming. Learning Elisp felt like a playful adventure; I was discovering new concepts through practical experience. Every line of code I wrote, every macro I thought, was a step towards understanding the beauty of functional programming.

Elisp introduced me to a whole new mindset, one that I could apply to other tools. It enabled me to create workflows tailored to my needs, from simple note-taking to writing and running code within the same environment. The flexibility and extensibility of Emacs allowed me to craft a unique coding experience that’s hard to replicate in other text editors.

Code Comparison: Syntax Across Languages

What’s fascinating is that Elisp shares a striking resemblance in syntax with Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure. Here’s a quick comparison to give you a taste:

;; Elisp
(defun square (x)
  (* x x))

Elisp snippet for squaring a number.

;; Common Lisp
(defun square (x)
  (* x x))

Common Lisp snippet for squaring a number.

;; Scheme
(define (square x)
  (* x x))

Scheme snippet for squaring a number.

;; Clojure
(defn square [x]
  (* x x))

Clojure snippet for squaring a number.

Part 2: Common Lisp and Scheme - Expanding Horizons

As my journey continued, Elisp’s influence led me to explore further. I dived into Common Lisp, a powerhouse of a programming language, and Scheme, a language that embodies elegance and conciseness. Learning these languages felt like a natural progression. Common Lisp’s rich feature set allowed me to wield the magic wand of code manipulation, while Scheme’s simplicity provided an avenue for concise and expressive coding.

These languages expanded my horizons, and I found myself embracing functional programming not as a mere concept but as a way of thinking and problem-solving. I was no longer just learning; I was applying my newfound knowledge to create coding marvels.

Code Comparison: Syntax Across Languages

The beauty of functional programming lies in the consistency of syntax across these languages. Here’s a snippet showcasing the similarity:

;; Common Lisp
(defun factorial (n)
  (if (<= n 1)
      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

Common Lisp snippet for calculating the factorial.

;; Scheme
(define (factorial n)
  (if (<= n 1)
      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

Scheme snippet for calculating the factorial.

Part 3: The Fascination with Clojure

And now, the journey continues with a new chapter: my growing fascination with Clojure. Emacs and the languages I’ve explored thus far have fueled my curiosity and passion for functional programming. Clojure, with its Lisp heritage and modern design, has become my new bet in the realm of programming languages.

The elegance, simplicity, and the promise of practicality in Clojure have piqued my interest. It feels like a natural evolution, a logical step forward in my quest to embrace functional programming fully. As I delve into Clojure, I’m excited to see how this language will further enhance my coding journey and open up new possibilities.

In conclusion, my adventure began with Emacs, which introduced me to functional programming through Elisp. This journey led me to explore Common Lisp, Scheme, and now, my bets are on Clojure. Learning by doing, I’ve embraced a new mindset that allows me to create unique workflows and craft coding marvels. The magic of functional programming continues to unfold, and I can’t wait to see where this path leads.

That’s a wrap for now! Stay tuned for more coding adventures and inspiration.